Tuskegee Airman Major Leonard F. Turner, 301st Fighter Squadron, 332nd Fighter Group, 15th USAAF, Europe.
Awards including: cased Distinguished Flying Cross, Air Medal, AF Commendation Medal with award document, American Campaign Medal, ETO Campaign Medal, WWII Victory Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Korean War Campaign Medal, Korean War Service Medal, and Nine place ribbon bar. Master Pilot Wings; Pair of Major rank insignia; Graduation Announcement Class SE-43-F; Tuskegee Letter Head; Tuskegee Match cover; Student Pilot Rating Book; Sweetheart pin, pilot wings with AAF; P-51 Red Tail model; crusher cap; silver-grey garrison cap with Major insignia; Aviation Age March 1952 and April 1952; Armed Force May 1952; two 1952 calendars named to Turner; Air Age teaching aids; Lecture; folder relative to Training devices; and details relative to Operation Combine III 1948. Tuskegee Army Flying School Year Book 1943 with 22 signatures with addresses, numerous nick-names added, and arrows pointing out Turner in photos.2 inch thick binder with various orders, etc, 58 plus, includes awards, award document for AF Commendation Medal, group photo, etc.
Armament & Fields of Fire – German Aircraft, Dec 42; Fighter Gunnery, 115 pages; Basic Flying, 120 pages, with his connotations; Navigation, 192 pages; Instrument Flying, 104 pages; Your Body in Flight, 83 pages; .5 inch thick of 332nd Fighter Group SOP’s; 1 inch thick Civil Air Regulations; 1 inch thick Air ROTC; 1 inch thick folder Pre-Flight Briefings; 1 inch thick folder of maps and orders, some for his awards; 1 inch thick folder of personal papers; Official Personnel Record folder; and ,25 inch thick file regarding Rebuttal of Board Findings. Guided Missiles Fundamentals, 575 pages; Miscellaneous assorted subjects; Three 332nd Fighter Group Pilot Profiles; Training Manual for P-40, 93 pages; American Air Almanac, 1943; 13 Training Manuals related to flying; nine Field Manuals; Air Gunnery and Air Fighting, 131 pages; Autograph book 1945 with nine entries/signatures; and a Common Prayer Book with his named embossed in gold on cover.
Major Turner was a graduate of the Tuskegee Flight School and flew the P-51 as a famed Tuskegee Airman. He earned the Distinguished Flying Cross with four oak leaf clusters, Air Medal with four oak leaf clusters, ETO Medal with four battle stars, and the WWII Victory Medal. He went on to become a Command Pilot, retiring from the Air Force in 1967.