2d Lt. Harry Jay Daniels
February 27, 1916 – May 18, 1945
Class 43-H-SE
Unit 332nd Fighter Group, 301st Fighter Squadron
Service # O-811240
2d Lt. Harry Jay Daniels was the son of Harry Frizzell Daniels & Mae Garrett Daniels. He enlisted as a Private 31 July 1941 at Fort Benjamin Harrison.
He had enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces. Entered the service via Regular Military. Served during World War II. Daniels had the rank of Second Lieutenant. His military occupation or specialty was Pilot. Service number assignment was O-811240. Attached to 332nd Fighter Group, 301st Fighter Squadron.
During his service in World War II, Army Air Forces Second Lieutenant Daniels was reported missing and ultimately declared dead on May 18, 1945. Recorded circumstances attributed to: “Missing in action, Non-Hostile air crash”. Incident location: Italy.
Member of the Tuskegee Airmen. He went missing in bad weather during a mission to Pompei, Italy. His body was not recovered.
Harry J Daniels is buried or memorialized at Tablets of the Missing at Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Nettuno, Italy. This is an American Battle Monuments Commission location.