Special Orders 105 and 106

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I was fortunate enough to personally know several of Dopey Hall’s classmates in SE-43G, a lot of pilots that flew with him overseas and his Crew Chief at Ramitelli, Mr. George William, Queens, NY. now deceased whom shared with me lots of stories, and photos of Dopey and his P-51C named Sug’s Dopey Buzz #13.

Contrary to the information on the internet Richard W. Hall was never in the 99th FS.

Dopey Hall was one of the original pilots assigned to the 100th Fighter Squadron when it was assigned to Selfridge Field, MI. (See attached orders SO105 and SO 106) He went overseas with the 332nd FG / 100th FS and he flew a complete tour of mission in the 12th AF in the Bell P-39 Air Cobra and an additional 70 mission with the 15th Air Force flying the Republic P-47D and the North American P-51C before returning to the States in November 1944. He also is also credited with had one ME-109 destroyed on 27 July 1944.

Learn more about Richard Walter Hall in TUSKEGEE AIRMEN PROFILES!